Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is Freud a Freak or Phenome?

Sigmund Freud is more a phenome than he is a freak. He just has a weird freakish twist to some of his theories that might throw people off. For instance I totally agree with Freud's concept of his psychosexual stages because they make perfect sense since I can apply my own personal examples to each stage (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital). He is accurate about his theories because he is clear about his research and his data. You can clearly tell that Freud is a phenome because he realistically applies his concepts to human actions. Freud stating that there are two levels of consciousness; preconcious and unconcious. His arguement that your unconscious brain takes up the majority of your brain , leaving only a minisucal portion that is the concious part. Looking at Freud's defense mechanisms, a person can tell that with given examples that each term such as (repression, regression, denial, etc.) makes absolute sense to the point that Freud is of course a phenome. For example, if a couple broke up the female might repress the relationship from her mind and claim that she has no knowledge or memory of the relationship. Freud's theories are quite logical its just that people might think that he declares these theories in such a blunt, vivd way that some people might be uncomfortable about hearing it. Freud claims that the brain is balanced in equilibirum through the three sections of personality; id, superego and ego. Each part has its own function and determines the actions and decisions of a person, making this theory quite reasonable in my eyes.

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